Rent To Own Email List - Should You Invest In Rent to Own Email Lists?
Rent to Own Email List is a concept, which has captured the imagination of thousands of people around the world. It is an innovative business strategy which helps you make money by renting your subscribers' contact information and then marketing to them over again. It is similar to the affiliate marketing strategy, only here you get to own the email addresses you are renting and not the other way round. You can easily create your own list of opt-in email addresses by selecting the right websites. This is an easy way to make fast cash on the internet - it is affordable and effective.
The concept of renting out email addresses has been around for a long time. However, it was difficult to use, since you were stuck with your rented email addresses when you needed to market your product or service. Also, there was no way of expanding your client base by targeting the right audience for your product. Another major drawback of the buy email lists theory was that the customers had to wait for their orders to arrive. So even if you had something new to sell, you still had to wait.
The idea of renting out email addresses came about when one heard about affiliates who were earning large incomes by renting their lists of subscribers. You could buy huge lists of email addresses from these companies. This worked well until other affiliates started using these same email addresses to promote their own products and services. Suddenly, there were hundreds of competing brands on the internet and many affiliates were left penniless. But that was before rent to own email marketing list strategies came into play.
Before you invest in any form of list, you should identify your audience first. You should be able to identify their interests, preferences and level of comfort. It is best to market to those who have shown interest in the niche before. You can also start with the more general emails and later expand your marketing to the emails with specific terms.
Another important factor you must consider is flexibility. Rent to own marketing does not allow you to make alterations to the emails. These are the emails that you have invested in and you cannot change anything in them. So you should choose carefully which of the rent to own email lists you are going to buy.
Rent to own marketing allows you to use the emails as and when you want. You can add or remove keywords, change the body of the message and make it look different from other emails in the list. All this can be done by the company that you have bought the lists from. The good thing is that you can do all these changes yourself. You do not have to pay a professional to do so. All you need to do is sign up as an affiliate of the company that offers the rent to own marketing lists and upload the messages on your website.
So how much should you invest in the lists? Generally, a good email marketing list costs around $10 per person. You do not need a large number of email addresses to start with. A small list will suffice initially.
If you get a decent amount of rental addresses, you will soon find out that your investment is paying off. People are signing up to your mailing list every day and there is no way that they will put it down. When they sign up for the list, you automatically become a trusted advisor. Your contacts know that you are there to help them out if they need help and that you will not pass the email addresses of anyone else to another party.